Monday, June 2, 2014

The Final Stretch

Week 10. Time to put the steel to the grindstone and make that final push for excellence and awesomeness. Since finals are next week, making sure we are doing our best for ourselves and our students is paramount. Many UCC students count on us to help them overcome academic difficulties, and being ready and prepared is one of the most important things we can do for our students.

I will keep this short, as we are all busier than usual this week. However, please note the dates and important bullets from last week’s blog and tie up any loose ends, make notes, etc. before we get into finals and the summer break.

Below are some important items and dates that I want to reiterate:

Finals week: tutors are expected to work their regular shifts Monday and Tuesday. If you have finals during those times please let Daniel or Robbie know as soon as possible so we can be prepared. Note that the center will be open for studying all week but we will only have tutors on shift Monday and Tuesday. We will not have any tutors working Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of Finals week.

One-on-one tutor meetings: for those that have not contacted Daniel yet to schedule a meeting time, he will be contacting you this week during your shift to set up meeting times.

Friday, June 13th at 6:00pm: Graduation. Several of our tutors, as well as many of our frequent Success Center visitors will be graduating from UCC. 

 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”  –Nelson Mandela.

What are your reflections on tutoring and working in the Success Center this term? How do you feel about your college experience this year as summer quickly approaches?


  1. You can do it!! I believe in you!

  2. I’ve been a tutor here for two years. Reflecting on that time, I’m somewhat amazed at how much we’ve grown, diversified, and expanded well beyond what we have ever been before.

    I’m also quite proud of our tutoring team. Our attendance is up, record keeping has improved, and the center feels more welcoming and inviting. More importantly the students of UCC have shown an increase in their willingness and desire to come to the Success Center and use the services we offer. None of this would have happened without a great team to support and guide our mission. Perhaps that sounds clichéd, but it is quite accurate.

    Next year the center will be without several of our veteran tutors, myself included. At first this bothered me, as I thought that we will be leaving next year’s students up a creek without a paddle. However, I realized that this was selfish and short-sighted thinking. Several tutors will remain into the fall and beyond, and to a one they are smart, energetic, and thoroughly amazing people. The Success Center is lucky to have them. For the rest of us, we have essentially worked ourselves out of a job: we have done what we could, helped those that needed it, and now we are on to bigger and better things – as are many of our peers here on campus. This is a very good thing. We have accomplished what we set out to do.

    I’m not sure what this fall will bring. I’m quite confident that my humble tutoring experience will be of limited use once I begin studies at PSU, however I am immensely grateful to have had this experience. There are several tutors here that I have never spoken to, or spoken to very little. However, everyone on this team brings so much to their table and the center a whole that while I may not know them personally, I know their work and am glad to be a part of this amazing team.

  3. I am feeling relieved and excited about graduation, it has been long time coming. I feel that my college experience has been hard but rewarding and well worth it! The sheer experience and knowledge gained is priceless along with all the friends and relationships that one makes and hopefully maintains far into the future. These are some of the best years of our lives. I am so proud of the many students that have worked hard and have earned this notable life event. Congratulations!!! I will miss the time spent with the students and my fellow tutors.

  4. I am proud to be a part of the Success Team and happy to have met so many wonderful people there. I wish all the tutors leaving us this year the best of luck and hope to run into you all some day soon. You wil all be missed dearly.

  5. Well, I feel like this year has flown by, which is both a good and a bad thing. I have been tutoring at this center for two terms already! I love to look around me and see other tutors helping students overcome challenging obstacles in their coursework. I really have enjoyed helping students in this center. I love seeing people walk out of here with some weight lifted off of their shoulders because of all that we have to offer. You all are great!
    I am a nursing student, so I know that I am always the quiet girl with her head stuck in her computer, working on homework 24/7. But... nursing students do one thing very well... we notice what is going on around us. I am comfortable in the success center and I really appreciate seeing our tutors/staff offering so much help and support to fellow students.
    The center may be small, but I think it's impact is huge. I hope you all continue the amazing work next year, and it really has been a pleasure working with each and every one of you!

  6. I feel that I made a difference working in the Success Center as a peer tutor, even in my small time here during
    Spring Term, and I am learning the ins and outs
    of the system. By helping other students in need, I feel like I am giving back to a college that nurtured me
    during my college years. I know that I still have much to learn.

    As for my college experience, I have already gone through college, but I can remember my college
    days as busy and stressful, but I always had my eye on the prize. I not only graduated from UCC, but I went
    through Eastern Oregon University's online program and graduated in 2013 with my accounting degree.

  7. I love my job, the tutoring center has made me realize just how much I enjoy helping people. I have made good friends and will miss all of you, students and tutors, who will be leaving for the fall.

    As I'm sure we have all learned here, tutoring is a noble task and requires self-improvement in order to do it well. Patience is a virtue. We have become comrades in our entrepreneur to better the world, and that's something that gives me great satisfaction.

    This has been my first year of college, and I have enjoyed it so very much. UCC is a beautiful and welcoming campus, the people are fantastic!
    Hope everybody has a beautiful summer and good luck with finals!

  8. This year seems to have flown by, and yet the beginning of fall term feels like an eternity ago. I am looking forward to the next stage of my journey, even though I will miss all of you in ESB 15.

  9. We will miss all of you who are leaving us. Congratuations on your successes while here at UCC. I hope to see you again sometime. I second all comments.

  10. I cannot believe how quickly the term flew by. Summer should be a nice break, but those of us who are moving on with definitely be missed.

  11. Replies
    1. Pshhh, you just didn't want to say anything :)

  12. A bit late to the blog but congratulations to all of our grads!! You have worked hard and all that hard work has paid off! You now have a piece of paper other don't :-)
