Thursday, June 26, 2014

Diēs Caniculārē

Welcome back tutors! I hope all of you had a good and relaxing break last week. It is now summer. Hot, sunny days (hopefully) have supplanted the near-constant wet and darkness of winter. I'm glad to see so many familiar faces back in the Success Center this term. UCC has a large number of students who take classes over the summer, so our tutoring services are as needed this term as they are the rest of the year. Some of you may be new to working summer term, so there are few notes that are important to pass along.

Summer hours: The entire UCC campus is closed on Fridays during the summer. Therefore, the Success Center will only be open Monday-Thursday from 9 am until 3 pm. Students wishing to find a study space outside those hours will have to utilize the library, Student Center (formerly the campus center), or the cafeteria.

Reflection forms: There have been some hiccups in the reflection forms, but those are being ironed out and the forms will be distributed soon. Daniel will email them out on Thursday and tutors are asked to return the filled out forms by the following Thursday. Most of us have dealt with these before and thus should have some familiarity with them. Daniel can answer any questions you may have about them.

This term we will continue with each tutor being given an “office hour” to allow one-on-one scheduled tutoring with students. Daniel will be emailing those designated hours to each tutor on Monday, June 30th.

Emotional Bank Account forms: as I’m sure you noticed, there is now a direct link to the Emotional Bank Account form on the TutorTrac login page.  We have been getting reports that these forms are enabling tutors to take a deeper look at their day-to-day interactions and analyze their behavior and improve their tutoring performance. Remember, we need three reports filled out every day you are on shift. Keep up the good work!

And last but not least . . . THE POOL IS BACK!!! After three years sitting abandoned, empty, and forlorn the UCC swimming pool is repaired, reborn, and ready for all comers. Hundreds of people have spent time in the pool in the few short weeks it’s been open, and by all reports it has been a huge success.  Open swim times this summer are 1-4pm and 7-9pm. Check out or contact Cheryl Yoder or Daniel Leeworthy in the PE offices for more information.

I want to thank you for all your hard work and all the time and effort that each and every one of you do to help our students succeed. Our team works so well together, and I am truly honored to be a part of it. Everything that you do for our students has a deep, profound effect on them, and this school is better for it.

"How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world."
         Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, 5.1.88-89

So, what are you looking forward to this summer?


  1. I'm looking forward to improve my tutoring skills for the summer. I graduated in 12/2013, and since then, I did a little peer tutoring in the Spring Term, but now, Summer will be my first full term peer tutoring.

  2. good luck Corrine! I am hoping to improve my skills this summer term as a success center assistant and in taking online classes other than CSM. I also could be leaveing for a time.

  3. I hope everyone has a good summer and makes use of the pool to help keep cool. I'm looking forward to not taking any classes during the summer and enjoy the nice weather we have been getting.

  4. I am looking forward to the warm summer nights, along with camping trips. Can never have too many s'mores or late night swims! I hope everyone enjoys their summer and is safe every step of the way.

  5. I am looking forward to being here at the success center and having a hot summer to swim every day cause who doesnt love to swim!
