Friday, November 14, 2014

Americorps Opportunity

Daniel and I introduced the AmeriCorps member position in the last tutor meeting and I have the job description posted below. Please read it over as well as the short commentary at the bottom of the page. 

Position Description and Benefits:

The Connect2Complete (C2C) AmeriCorps position will work with developmental education (DE) students and faculty on campus to build community-engaged learning into DE curriculum and serve as peer advocates for DE students. Members will work closely with DE students to provide institutional resources as well as with DE faculty to plan two service-learning projects. Connect2Complete is designed to increase the rate of DE students successfully completing and enrolling in transferrable, credit bearing coursework, increase GPAs and persistence, and build service projects which meet community needs.

Essential responsibilities include:
·       Working with developmental education faculty to plan and implement two service-learning projects, one of which must be on a National Day of Service
·       Connecting with developmental education students to provide resources and support
·       Strengthening and building relationships on campus and in the community

To serve as a C2C Member candidates must be:
  • A current student in good standing at their institution
  • At least 17 years of age
  • A U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or lawful permanent resident
  • Able to serve 300 hours of service within one year of enrolling (~ 10 hours / week)
  • Able to pass a full criminal history background check

Connect2Complete Project AmeriCorps Member Benefits:
·       An education award of $1,175 upon completion of service
·       Training and professional development opportunities
·       Access to an extensive network of AmeriCorps Alums
·       Loan forbearance and interest accrual, if applicable  

All Members that successfully complete 300 hours of service within one year from their date of enrollment (TBD by each individual campus) will receive a $1,175 Eli Segal Education Award.

Connect2Complete AmeriCorps Members do not receive a living allowance through Oregon Campus Compact for their service.


Each of you have interacted with many of our developmental education (DE) students while tutoring. Many of the DE faculty work with ESB 15, and I know that many of you have existing relationships with those faculty members. Some of the highest complements that I have heard from students are in respect to these instructors.

Tyler and I will be approaching Dr. Ali with a pitch for the service learning projects and I will get back with all once the decision has been made. I highly encourage you each to come talk to me about the position and what it would entail. From the feedback that I've heard from many of your own tutoring experiences, I know that some of you would absolutely love working in this position. We are looking to find members by the time we have our first training, which is Nov. 21st at 11:00am in Lockwood Hall Rm 2 (Next Friday). We are excited for the opportunity to work with more of UCC's students to promote their success during their time at Umpqua Community College.


  1. thanks for the info. great opportunity. what was that really long word again?

  2. Thank you Robert, I hope you get some people interested in taking the position! It sounds like a great opportunity.

  3. Thanks for the information. Hopefully we can get some people with it! Lets get this stuff up and going!!
