Monday, August 18, 2014

What success is all about!

I was going to a post another tl,dr page of musings and anecdotes, but . . . nope.

It’s a beautiful day outside. There isn’t much going on campus-wide or in the Success Center, a good portion of the staff is out this week for trainings, so rather than ask you guys to read my usual rubbish I instead invite you to go enjoy the sunshine while it’s still here.That's a type of success, right?




  1. Replies
    1. What is a tl,dr page? I would agree that enjoying the sunshine while it’s still here is successful, as long as we G.T.S. first. I will enjoy it after this term ends.

    2. tl,dr means too long, didn't read just to let you know.

  2. You don't have to tell me twice to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. I hope everybody has a nice relaxing, sun filled week.

  3. I've been having a summer of self-discovery and checking some things off my list.

  4. I've definitely been spending as much time as I can out in this beautiful weather! I love summer. I enjoy fall as well, but will miss the heat!

  5. I think I need to start enjoying the sunshine while wearing shorts O.o

  6. Hey thank you! I hope you do the same and enjoy what sunshine is left!!

  7. Enjoy the sunshine, while we have it!!! This is Oregon!!!
