Thursday, February 6, 2014

Every Success is a Worthwhile Success

Hello All,
I have decided to start a blog to help keep everyone informed as to what is going on in the Success Center and hopefully give some inspiration.

  • Part of the reason that the hours in the Success Center were expanded until 6 pm Monday through Thursday is because we are starting a High School Homework Help Program.  This program is available to all students currently enrolled at a local high school or a sponsored UCC program.  This program will run Monday thru Thursday starting at 3 pm and lasting until we close at 6 pm.  This is not only an opportunity for students to get help with their classwork, but also a great time for us to get them into the mode of being a college student and using the resources that the Success Center has to offer.  Please help us to spread the word about this great opportunity for high school students in our communities.
  • We are going to be training a couple people to be available for "general tutoring".  This includes things like: note-taking, time-management, study strategies, general computer help, and effective communication skills.  I am still open to a better name for this kind of tutor rather than "general tutor" if anyone has any suggestions.
  • As we get closer toward the end of Winter Term, I would like to have some tutors go to classrooms of courses with low pass rates to let students know about the services that we provide and how they can become a PAID tutor.  If this is something that sounds like something that you would be willing to do, please contact me and let me know.
"People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved"                                                                                                               -Anne Sullivan
Daniel L. Bates
UCC Success Team - Tutoring Specialist
(541) 440-1563


  1. This will be a great resource for all of us!

  2. Very cool, excited to be a part of it! :)

  3. Sounds great! As for the title, maybe Skills Tutor?

  4. Yeah I like Skills Tutor.

  5. Definitely wish I had this opportunity when I was still in high school!
