Welcome to Week 10!!! We made it!
This week's blog is a challenge. Teacher vs. Tutor; how do you define the two? According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary, they are very similar.
Definition: teach·er (noun):a person who teaches, especially in a school.
tu·tor (noun):a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student or small group.
I found the definition of the two terms to be very interesting. I have heard many tutors say, "we are not teachers, we are just tutors," According to the definitions, we are both.
Personally, I am going to college to become a teacher, so I found the previous statement to be controversial because as a tutor, we should be teaching. These students are expecting us to teach them! In some ways, tutoring is easier; we don't have to set up lectures, create assignments or grade homework. On the other hand, our job is more difficult because we have to teach students how to understand the material in a different way than the teacher.
a tutor, we are expected to have a higher understanding of the material
being taught. We should be able to help a student understand the
material and explain in several ways how to approach the subject. Most
important of all, we need to be able to show the student how the process
works in a way that the teacher could not.
I would love to hear how everyone defines the two terms. Please leave a comment :)
Side Note:
The Doodle polls will be sent out on Tuesday morning to all tutors to
get your availabilities so that Daniel can create a schedule for next term. If you receive a message from Doodle please
respond by Thursday
if you plan to tutor next term so that we can get a day that will work
for most people that need it.