As I am sure most of you noticed, I was out of the center for all of last week. I have returned to work today and it feels great to be back. Terrance and I were in Dallas Texas attending the 2014 NADE (National Association for Developmental Education) Conference. We were able to discover some fresh perspectives and creative ideas that will help to enhance the services that we provide to our students at UCC. We had the opportunity to meet with and discuss student success and retention with people ranging from college professors, administrators, program coordinators, as well as program designers and chair members. In addition to gaining knowledge from experts in their field, we were able to discuss the direction of our programs and get feedback from a wide range of professionals.
The UCC campus is evaluating two programs to replace our current on-line course manager, Angel. We would like it if you could all log onto each of the proposed programs to see what your opinion is of each platform. There is a survey for you to fill-out so that feedback can be collected and reviewed. There is a link at the end of each course to the survey at; they only need to fill it out once when you are done with both course previews. We would also like it if you could speak with tutees about trying these programs and taking the survey. Once you or another student completes the survey, please send me an e-mail stating that you have completed the survey. Once your submission is confirmed we will enter you into a drawing for a $20 gift card good for the bookstore. This drawing will be held on Friday prior to finals week, March 14th. Here are the links:

Blackboard link is:
User login and password are student72 and student72
It is important to make sure that you are all caught up on your course work and that you plan your week to provide you enough time to get your final assignments, projects, and tests completed. I expect that the Success Center will be extremely busy with students that are also preparing for the term to be successfully completed. The study-in will be on this coming up Saturday in the library and we will be providing tutoring services for the students during this event. Tutors are expected to work at least three hours, unless different arrangements are made in advance, and can work more hours as long as there are students needing assistance. The study-in will start at 11 am and last until 7 pm. The event will be hosted by ASUCC which will be providing lunch, dinner, snacks, and beverages at no cost during the study-in. The Success Center will offer tutoring services for Monday and Tuesday of finals week and the center will continue to be open our regular hours for students to use computers, printers, ect. throughout the remainder of finals week. If you would like to get extra some hours on Monday and/or Tuesday of finals week or are not going to be able to work hours that you do typically work, please get in contact with me before the end of the day Thursday.
Please take some time to speak with Robbie about the CIIS program. This is the program that TutorTrac has been asking about during the log-out screen. Even if it does not sound like something that interests you still please speak to Robbie and get some information about the program so that you can explain and assist other student with the CIIS program.
I would like for each employee to reply to this post, as I do each week that I post a blog. However, this week I would like to get all of your input on an activity that we could do to help our team to know each other better, build stronger relationships with students, and/or strengthen team unity. If for any reason you are unable to post a comment on this blog then you need to get in touch with me as soon as possible to get the issue resolved. I will be posting information that is vital for our staff to receive in order for the Success Center to help our students in a consistent and efficient manner.
Please take some time to speak with Robbie about the CIIS program. This is the program that TutorTrac has been asking about during the log-out screen. Even if it does not sound like something that interests you still please speak to Robbie and get some information about the program so that you can explain and assist other student with the CIIS program.
I would like for each employee to reply to this post, as I do each week that I post a blog. However, this week I would like to get all of your input on an activity that we could do to help our team to know each other better, build stronger relationships with students, and/or strengthen team unity. If for any reason you are unable to post a comment on this blog then you need to get in touch with me as soon as possible to get the issue resolved. I will be posting information that is vital for our staff to receive in order for the Success Center to help our students in a consistent and efficient manner.
We will be getting some new tutors in the Success Center to fill our new "Skills Tutor" positions. Our first skills tutor, Julie Lee, will begin tutoring this coming up Wednesday. When you see her in the center, please welcome her to our team. If you have not yet filled out an availability form for Spring term, please do so as soon as possible before finals week. I will be working on this upcoming term's schedule during finals week and getting them e-mailed out during Spring Break. Thank you all for helping UCC to have a determined student body and creating an excellent environment for student success. Keep up the amazing work!